Monday, July 15, 2013

Richard Raw's Official Statement On The Unjust Zimmerman Trial  


Richard Raw's Official Statement On The Zimmerman Trial

First I would like to send peace of mind and blessings to all friends and family of Trayvon Martin.  I am sorry for your loss and the unjust verdict in the Zimmerman Trial.  As an artist known for creating music that speaks directly to the revolutionary spirit of the people, I know that many are waiting for me to release a new song to address the Zimmerman trial.  However, if you have ever really listened to my music, you would know I've said all that there is to say about any and everything that pertains to this trial.  So a new song is NOT forthcoming.  I am however, willing to work with artists and others who wish to join me in community outreach/development and the work necessary to ensure that justice is always served and that no other young black/brown male or female has to be murdered in cold blood as Trayvon.  If inspirational music is what you need, I already have that.  But right now is not the time for a new song.  It's time for action.  I plan to continue working in the community and if you are down with that then lets go....

What next?

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