Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Richard Raw - 911 Is A Joke (In the Memory of Erik Turnbull)  


911 Is A Joke was originally a song recorded and released by Public Enemy in 1989.  The subject matter of the song is as relevant today as it was when it was created.  I felt it was time to revisit the subject matter by doing my own version of the song.   On May 10th, Thursday afternoon New Castle County Police executed 32 year old Eric Turnbull.  Mr. Turnbull had no weapons on his person, nor does he have a criminal record.  This is why we as "Blacks" feel that the system is corrupt, and killing our young solders is ritualistic.   There was no justification for this ruthless killing!   So as it was then, it remains.   911 Is still a joke.

Got my middle finger up when the cops ride by
Never be afraid to look them dead in their eye
The cops killing Niggas and you claiming its hope
You know the rule 911 Is A Joke

Richard Raw's Verse 

The Police talk peace but they're killing civilians, murder one of the Feds and they're label us villains,
law enforcement is killing niggas repeatedly, most become cops so they can kill legally,
they cuff and harass me, thats why I'm ducking when they pass me,
I ain't answering the questions that you ask me,
you probably want to blast me put me in a bag, 
you were a square growing up and now you got a badge,
see they set us up, incriminate us and wet us up,
they claim to rehabilitate us, look how they facilitate us,
in them run down prisons they humiliate us,
middle finger to the sky, Fuck the law,
this is for Dr. Malachi and Mumia Abu Jamal,

What next?

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